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Логотип од кинеског нерђајућег челика

In the world of stainless steels, С30408 вс SS 304 Steel are two grades that are often mentioned interchangeably, leading to confusion among those who are not intimately familiar with their specifications. As a seasoned metallurgical expert with years of experience from Кинески нерђајући челик, I am here to dispel any misunderstandings and provide a detailed comparison of these two grades.

С30408 ​​наспрам челика СС 304 – у чему је разлика?
С30408 ​​наспрам челика СС 304 – у чему је разлика?

С30408 ​​наспрам челика СС 304 – у чему је разлика?

At the outset, it is important to clarify that S30408 and SS 304 are essentially the same stainless steel alloy, but they differ in their standards of specification. SS 304, commonly known as 18/8 нерђајући челик, refers to the American standard grade, while S30408 is the European standard grade for the same alloy. Both grades are austenitic stainless steels, meaning they have a non-magnetic ferrite-austenite microstructure, which provides excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties.

S30408 vs SS 304 Steel – Composition

Let’s delve deeper into the composition of these alloys. Both S30408 and SS 304 are composed primarily of iron, хром, и никл. Chromium is the key element that gives stainless steel its corrosion resistance, while nickel enhances the alloy’s ductility and toughness. The specific composition of these elements, however, can vary slightly depending on the manufacturing process and the standards adhered to. Nevertheless, the overall composition of S30408 and SS 304 is similar enough to consider them chemically equivalent.

S30408 vs SS 304 Steel – Properties

The mechanical properties of S30408 and SS 304 are also comparable. Both grades exhibit good tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. They can be easily formed and welded, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. The austenitic structure of these alloys also contributes to their toughness and ductility, enabling them to withstand deformation and impact without cracking.

Despite their similarities, there are subtle differences that can affect their performance in specific applications. One such difference lies in the carbon content. S30408, being a European standard grade, typically has a lower carbon content than SS 304. This reduction in carbon content can lead to improved corrosion resistance, especially in welded joints, as carbon is known to be a factor in the formation of intergranular corrosion.

S30408 vs SS 304 Steel – Level of Impurities in the Alloy

Another difference is in the level of impurities allowed in the alloy. Different standards may have varying tolerances for impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus, which can affect the alloy’s properties. However, in the case of S30408 and SS 304, these differences are minimal and unlikely to have a significant impact on their overall performance.

S30408 vs SS 304 Steel – Applications

In terms of applications, both S30408 and SS 304 are widely used in a variety of industries. Their excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties make them suitable for use in chemical processing, food and beverage manufacturing, and medical equipment. They are also commonly found in architectural applications such as railings, exterior cladding, and interior fittings due to their aesthetic appeal and durability.

When it comes to selecting between S30408 and SS 304, the choice often depends on the specific requirements of the application and the availability of materials. In most cases, the two grades can be used interchangeably without any significant difference in performance. However, for critical applications that require the utmost corrosion resistance or specific mechanical properties, it is advisable to consult with a metallurgical expert to ensure the selection of the most appropriate grade.


In conclusion, S30408 and SS 304 are chemically equivalent stainless steel alloys that differ primarily in their standards of specification. Both grades exhibit excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. While there are subtle differences in their composition and properties, these are unlikely to have a significant impact on their overall performance.

Thank you for reading our article and we hope it can help you to have a better understanding of the differences between S30408 vs SS 304 Steel. If you are looking for S30408 & SS 304 Steel suppliers and manufacturers online now, we would advise you to visit Кинески нерђајући челик.

As a leading supplier and manufacturer of stainless steel products, Sino Stainless Steel offers customers high-quality S30408 & SS 304 Steel, украсни лимови од нерђајућег челикацеви од нерђајућег челикацеви од нерђајућег челикатраке од нерђајућег челикаnamotaji od nerđajućeg čelikaплоче од нерђајућег челика, и шипке од нерђајућег челика по веома конкурентној цени.

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